The 74ALVT16373 is a 16?-??bit D??-??type transparent latch with 3??-??state outputs. The device can be used as two 8??-??bit transparent latches or a single 16??-??bit transparent latch. The device features two latch enables (1LE and 2LE) and two output enables (1OE and 2OE), each controlling 8??-??bits. When nLE is HIGH, data at the inputs enter the latches. In this condition the latches are transparent, a latch output will change each time its corresponding D??-??input changes. When nLE is LOW the latches store the information that was present at the inputs a set??-??up time preceding the HIGH??-??to??-??LOW transition of nLE. A HIGH on nOE causes the outputs to assume a high??-??impedance OFF??-??state. Operation of the nOE input does not affect the state of the latches. Bus hold data inputs eliminate the need for external pull??-??up resistors to define unused inputs
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